Accepted abstracts: 29
Presentations in program: 27
Number of active participants: 25
Sessions: 9
Participants from Poland by city:
Warszawa (4); Poznan (4); Lublin (3); Bydgoszcz (1); Gdansk (1); Katowice (1); Lódz (1).
Participants from abroad by country:
SPAIN (3) Ivan Ortega-Rodriguez (Universidad Pontificia Comillas Madrid); Jacobo Zabalo (Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona); Alberto Sanchez Rojo (Complutense University of Madrid)
GREAT BRITAIN (2) James Hardie-Bick, Susie Scott (University of Sussex)
DENMARK (1) Jorn Henrik Olsen (independent)
GERMANY (1) Carlo Salzani (independent)
HONG-KONG (1) Taejin Bae (University of Education)
ITALY (1) Guido Borelli (University of Venezia)
SLOVENIA (1) Janko Lozar (University of Lublana)